
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Jolene and Kenton are surprised to see Ian and Susan teaming up for a Valentine’s event pitch. Susan’s sure they’re going to love the idea – it’s a sort of speed dating. This puts Jolene off. Speed dating only appeals to people who are available. Ian explains their idea involves people moving tables as with speed dating, but it would provide an opportunity to have a laugh with different people, not necessarily to find a new partner. As Ian and Susan elaborate, Kenton and Jolene are convinced. It’s a winner! Delighted Ian and Susan can’t wait for the interesting stories their event might unearth. Alice is struggling with unhappy Martha, and is pleased when Jennifer calls in and offers help. Though Jennifer’s shocked when Alice suggests more than just a hand with the washing and ironing – she wants her mum to look after Martha full time until Chris is better. Alice feels she can’t manage; she’s at the end of her tether. Jennifer gently refuses, pointing out it wouldn’t be good for Alice or Martha if she took her. She tries to explain that Alice’s worry is normal parental anxiety and nothing to do with her drink problem. She affirms she has faith in Alice, and knows she’ll put Martha first. Later Jennifer returns to find Alice singing to sleeping Martha. She admits it was hard, but her mum’s tough love was the right thing. She thanks Jennifer, who shares Kate’s news that Phoebe seems to be dating someone. Alice is pleased for Phoebe, and hopes it works out.

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