
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Mia and Kirsty are prepping for the rewilding stall at Sunday’s fete. Chelsea turns up and Mia’s on the defensive. But Chelsea insists she’s there to volunteer her help. She reckons it would give them an opportunity to chat. But Mia rebuffs her olive branch, declaring her offer to paint nails at the stall is off-brand. Chelsea retreats. Mia seeks Kirsty’s advice. She explains that Chelsea’s confrontational and they don’t get on, but she’s Brad’s sister, and the siblings are close. What would Kirsty do? Later Chelsea comes to Kirsty with exactly the same issue. Mia’s an up herself eco-geek and they’re totally different people, but she’s Brad’s girlfriend and she doesn’t want to hurt him. So does she just put up with Mia? Kirsty points out the thing they have in common – both of them care about Brad. Perhaps they can learn to put up with one another. Tom begins his charm offensive on Adil, leaving Alistair baffled. Tom asks Adil if he’d like to join the cricket team to fill absent Johnny’s place. Adil protests he’s no good, but Tom offers to throw him a few balls on the Green as a trial, and then stand him coffee and cake at lunch. After a few tips hopeless Adil makes contact with the ball just once – and hits a plant pot at Greenacres. Alistair points out it’s Jim’s prizewinning hydrangea, in a replica Grecian urn which is now broken. Tom immediately takes the blame, but Adil knows what he’s up to, and declares the charm technique won’t work.

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