
The Archers - A podcast by BBC Radio 4


Tom asks Tony if he and Pat will babysit on Valentine’s Day. Tony quickly agrees while distracted by a phone call Adam is taking. Adam explains Brian has been reported to the police, but the details aren’t clear and heads off to see what’s going on. In Adam’s absence, Tom makes a silly error in planting the new edible forest garden beds. Tony and Tom laugh at the error which can be easily fixed. Natasha joins them and out of earshot of Tony shows Tom the approach from a modelling agency. Natasha is cautious but Tom persuades her to at least find out more from the agency. She stops Tom from telling Tony about the prospect. At the Home Farm house Harrison explains to Adam that Brian is sitting in the front garden staring at the house. Adam gently talks to Brian who isn’t pleased about being talked down to. Adam reminds him it's no longer his property, but Brian is adamant he will stay until he is ready to leave. With Adam by his side, Brian reminisces about significant moments at the Home Farm house. This leads him to his argument with Ruairi. Adam mollifies Brian. He says Ruairi is grieving and lashing out and he thanks Brian for the generosity he’s shown him as a stepfather. They move on to happy summertime memories and Harrison approaches. Now he’s explained the situation to the Gills they don’t mind Brian taking his time. But Brian says it’s time to go – it’s all just memories and Jenny’s not here.

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