18 - Are We F*cking on the First Date? (ft. Reina)
Teriyaki Chicken Nugget - A podcast by Teriyaki
Hey, chicks. In this week's episode, Teriyaki and Reina will talk about dating in Japan. They covered interesting topics: are we f*ucking on the first date?, who's paying on the first date?, where do we wanna meet people?, what is the ideal place for the first date?, etc, etc. Teriyaki also talks about her journey of becoming a gaijin hunter this week. Gaijin hunter is a term used to describe Japanese people who specifically go after foreigners. Tune in to find out why Teriyaki has never dated Japanese, and Reina has only dated Japanese. It's about to get wild, babyyyy. 今週はテリヤキとレイナがデートに行くことについてしゃべってます。初デートで**するべき?初デートでは誰が払うべき?どこで出会うのが一番いい?初デートはどこがいい?などなどデートあるある盛り沢山。日本人以外としかデートしたことないテリヤキと日本人としかデートしたことないレイナが語ります。 Teriyaki Chicken Nugget is a show run by a bilingual Japanese. The main themes of this podcast are learning English as a foreign language, and unique Japanese culture. Contact Teriyaki for any inquiries you have on Instagram (tcnpodcast), Twitter (teriyaki_eng), and Facebook (teriyakichickennugget). Email: [email protected] ! Teriyaki Chicken Nugget はバイリンガルの日本人が運営しているポッドキャストです。主なテーマとして英語学習や日本独自の文化を紹介しています。テリヤキのインスタ (tcnpodcast) とTwitter (teriyaki_eng) もフォローお願いします!インスタでは英語学習に役立つミニ情報を投稿しており、Twitterでは留学の話や私の個人的な意見も発信しています。質問があれば、DM,メール([email protected])まで。 (This show is only created for entertainment purposes. Please be advised that you consume the content for those purposes and acknowledge that the content does not intend to target a certain group of people.)