Paul Sarossy - Cinematographer
Team Deakins - A podcast by James Ellis Deakins, Roger Deakins - Mercoledì

EPISODE 111 - PAUL SAROSSY - Cinematographer Team Deakins speaks with Paul Sarossy, a frequent collaborator with director Atom Egoyan, in this episode. Paul’s credits include THE SWEET HEREAFTER, REMEMBER, and AFFLICTION. We learn how Paul started by shooting news and what skills that gave him right off the bat. Of course, we speak about his collaboration with Atom Egoyan and learn how they work together. We break down a lot in the film, The Sweet Hereafter, and learn a lot! He shares that he thinks prep normally revolves around figuring out one thing and the rest “you just deal with”. We also touch on his working on two movies based on Russell Banks movies in a row, operating the camera, working with a non-linear time structure, digital technology as being subtractive vs additive, and the difference of working in TV and on features. And much, much more! A great conversation!