Ep 292 | 3 Nephi 27-4 Nephi, Come Follow Me 2024 (October 21-27)
Talking Scripture - A podcast by Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Mercoledì

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Timestamps: (00:00) Jesus teaches the simplicity of the gospel: faith, repentance, baptism, receiving the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end.(17:58) If it is of God, it will grow.(25:35) Jesus translates three of the Nephite disciples. This is the same power the Savior gave to John.(36:06) Legends about John in early Christian tradition.(41:33) The significance of Jesus’ one by one ministry.(44:50) 3 Nephi 29-30, the Atonement is greater than any evil.(46:33) 4 Nephi illustrates the building and disintegration of Zion. → Bryce Dunford’s Institute classes are now available online, sign up here. → Enroll in Institute → YouTube → Apple Podcasts → Spotify → Amazon Music → Facebook