Ep 289 | 3 Nephi 12-16, Come Follow Me 2024 (September 30-October 6)
Talking Scripture - A podcast by Mike Day & Bryce Dunford - Mercoledì

→ Watch on YouTube → Detailed Show Notes → Time Stamps: (00:00) The Sermon on the Mount compels us to let go of Terrestrial sins and become Celestial people.(16:04) An overview of the temple endowment and how the Sermon on the Mount is filled with temple language.(22:27) The Beatitudes are connected to the Psalms.(33:32) Comfort is empowerment and strength.(37:41) Publishing peace is returning good for evil.(42:33) The covenants of sacrifice, obedience, and chastity.(46:38) Keeping our oaths and promises.(47:50) Celestial people do not seek revenge.(49:06) The invitation and promise of becoming perfect. Jesus will take us there.(52:01) Celestial people do good things for the right reasons.(59:57) Prayer can be a revelatory experience where God prompts us with what to say.(1:01:36) The covenant of consecration and why we should not fear letting go of lesser things.(1:05:22) Seeing others with Celestial eyes.(1:10:23) An exchange of messianic symbols as we approach God’s throne.(1:13:05) Sometimes we turn bread into stone.(1:16:18) Coming into God’s presence. We are built upon the rock by doing the things He taught us to do. → Bryce Dunford’s Institute classes are now available online, sign up here. → Enroll in Institute → YouTube → Apple Podcasts → Spotify → Amazon Music → Facebook