01- Why do we need spirituality
Spirit-Bytes | A Spirit Consciousness Podcast Hosted by Visionary Mystic & Shaman Manex Ibar
Is Spirituality important to our lives? What is it? And why is it important? What can being spiritual give me? Isn’t going to church being spiritual? Spirituality is for hippies? Spirituality is religious. I don’t believe in God, so I don’t have to be Spiritual? If these are some of your questions, then this podcast is for you.
Visionary Mystic Manex Ibar talks about the importance of spirituality, and it doesn’t have to be religious – maybe even better if not – but more as a part of being human. As a human we all have a body, a mind, emotions, and spirit. Think of the Spirit of a team. The spirit of you is what is inside you, the thing that wakes up at a concert, or when you’re in love, or when you’re scared. It’s this very hard to define essence within you that Science has been trying to discover and mystics have been talking about since before time existed. Join the podcast and discover more.
Sunset in the Basque Country from Biarritz. Photo by Manex Ibar
Spirit is required for our actions to mean something and gain more power through energy.manex ibar
To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? Same is true for Spirit – we need to excercise it so that we can gain from it. We gain happiness, joy, abundance and energy.
Episode 1 – Why Spirituality?
Spirit Bytes – Spirituality Podcast – Episode 01 – Why Spirituality? with Manex Ibar