S2 #53 / Andrew Collins on Karahan Tepe and the Cosmic Serpent
Spirit Box - A podcast by Darragh Mason

In this episode, I sit down with the brilliant Andrew Collins to dive into his astonishing new book on Karahan Tepe. This ancient site in Turkey has fascinated me for years, and Andrew’s research takes its significance to a whole new level. We explore the origins of myths, the symbolism of serpents and birds as depicted at Karahan Tepe and Göbekli Tepe, and the potential relationship with the Milky Way. Andrew shares incredible insights from his journeys to Karahan Tepe and nearby sites which are revealing more and more about the sophistication of the ancient people who created them. We also discuss some of the big questions about humanity’s past, from the Watchers and Nephilim to the Yazidi black snake and the cosmic serpent myths found across cultures. Andrew ties it all together with his thoughts on cosmic cycles, cataclysmic events, and their influence on spiritual practices. Plus Section:We dive into the historical and mythological significance of the Garden of Eden. Andrew shares his theory that the Garden was a real place located in Eastern Turkey, identifying the four rivers mentioned in the Bible. He recounts local legends about Adam and Eve and connects the story’s serpent to the cosmic Milky Way serpent and the stars of Scorpius. We also touch on Andrew’s recent experiences in Turkey, including a haunting Jinn encounter at a cave tied to the goddess Ishara. This conversation is packed with extraordinary revelations and thought-provoking ideas. I loved every second of it, and I think you will too. Show Notes:Andrew's website https://www.andrewcollins.com The Book https://books.innertraditions.com/karahan-tepe/Karahan Tepe https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karahan_TepeTours https://www.megalithomania.co.uk/turkey.html Jinn image https://www.instagram.com/p/C5T9lWyMXhr/?img_index=1Yazidism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yazidism#:~:text=Yazidism%2C%20also%20known%20as%20Sharfadin,are%20a%20Kurdish%2Dspeaking%20community.My photos of Göbekli Tepe https://www.darraghmason.com/index/G00004PhxB5.ZTXQMy photos of Harran https://www.darraghmason.com/index/G0000tRVakEIGlNk