#13 / Marco Visconti on Hellier Season 2, Ultraterrestrials, UFOnauts, Thelema, and The Star Sapphire.
Spirit Box - A podcast by Darragh Mason

Episode #13 and Marco Visconti is back and sharing some mind bending esoteric knowledge in this video. We discuss Ultraterrestrials, UFOnauts, Thelema, and how to unlock the secret at the end of #Hellier Season Two: the Star Sapphire. Marco is a London-based antiques and rare book trader. He is also consultant, a lecturer, music producer, DJ and of course a Thelemite and Freemason. He has been a member of the international esoteric community for over two decades, receiving initiation into the A∴A∴, Choronzon Club, and Ordo Templi Orientis. We discuss the entity Lam, Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Working with the spirits, the Goetia, Crossing the Abyss and Aeonics as well as looking at some of the core components of Thelema. You can find out more about Marco on his website, his Patreon and his YouTube channel. http://www.marcovisconti.org https://www.patreon.com/marcovisconti (highly recommend) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwMJrmbYkOucAa2wKkHgRwA #hellier #thelema #spiritbox #UFOnauts Want to support the podcast? You can follow me on Twitter or support on Patreon. Music by Obliqka