Episode 21: Paint It Mac

RetroMacCast - A podcast by James & John


The Color Classic II is the Retro Mac of the Week.  A rare MacEnhancer is the eBay Find of the Week.  James interviews Satta about his stenciled Macintosh art.  Finally, James & John discuss some top ten lists.

You can view higher quality versions of the images embedded in our  podcasts at our Flickr site, and don't forget to add yourself to our Frappr Map.

Other websites discussed in this episode:
Retrobits Podcast
Low End Mac: Color Classic II
Installing OS 8 & OS 8.1 on 68030 Macs
Satta's Flickr Page
Stencil Festival
The Secret of Apple Design
10 Things We Hate About Apple
10 Things We Love About Apple

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