E003: Flipper (not the dolphin)
React Native Nerds - A podcast by React Native Nerds
If you write code, you write bugs and sometimes finding why those bugs happen is insanely difficult. We talk about some new first class support in React Native for Flipper, a fantastic debugging tool.Flipper Websitehttps://fbflipper.com/YouTubeFlipper: The Extensible DevTool Platform for React Native - Michel Weststrate aka @mweststratehttps://youtu.be/WltZTn3ODW4React Native Flipper debugger - Announcing React Native 0.62 with Flipperhttps://youtu.be/qsaNOILmSXwParashuram's blogUsing Flipper with React Nativehttp://blog.nparashuram.com/2019/09/using-flipper-with-react-native.html