Environment Management und Packaging

Python Podcast - A podcast by Jochen Wersdörfer / Dominik Geldmacher


Environment Management und Packaging (click here to comment) 6. Oktober 2023, Jochen Soooo, nach einer langen, dunklen, ungeplanten Sommerpause aufgrund unüberwindlicher Terminfindungsschwierigkeiten gibt es jetzt endlich wieder eine neue Episode 🎙️!Dominik und Jochen haben diesmal mit Anna-Lena über Python Environment Management und Packaging Tools gesprochen. Sie hat dazu bereits einen super Artikel geschrieben und einen Vortrag auf der letzten Europython-Konferenz gehalten. Während in anderen Sprachen wie Rust das Thema weniger knifflig ist und es eine kanonische Lösung gibt, kommt man in der Python-Welt 🐍 leider nicht umhin, sich mit diesem Problem auseinanderzusetzen. ShownotesUnsere E-Mail für Fragen, Anregungen & Kommentare: [email protected] | BabbelNewsPydantic Version 2 - weniger reibungsloses UpdateDjango Ninja - Fast Django REST FrameworkLLM finetuningLanguage Models for Music RecommendationPostgres 16 released!ToolsAn unbiased evaluation of environment management and packaging tools | Artikel von Anna-Lena zum ThemaSimple Python Version Management: pyenvRye: An Experimental Package Management Solution for Pythonasdf The Multiple Runtime Version ManagerMiniconda is a free minimal installer for condaAnaconda is a distribution of the Python and R programming languages for scientific computingPyPy - A fast, compliant alternative implementation of Pythonpip is the package installer for Pythonpipx — Install and Run Python Applications in Isolated EnvironmentsVirtual Environmentsvenv — Creation of virtual environmentsvirtualenv is a tool to create isolated Python environmentsvirtualenvwrapperPipenv: Python Dev Workflow for HumansHatch is a modern, extensible Python project managerPDM, as described, is a modern Python package and dependency manager supporting the latest PEP standardsPoetry - python packaging and dependency management made easypip-tools = pip-compile + pip-sync A set of command line tools to help you keep your pip-based packages freshFlit is a simple way to put Python packages and modules on PyPICargo downloads your Rust project’s dependencies and compiles your projectProjektkonfigurationpyproject.toml - Declaring project metadatasetup.cfgsetup.pypre-commit - A framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooksGohlke Grabber - Simple script to download .whl packages from the pre-built Python packages atRunning Windows is more painful than torture [Comic]Scaffoldingdjango-admin startprojectCookiecutter - Create projects swiftly from cookiecuttersGit and Django 5.0 - Adam Johnsontox aims to automate and standardize testing in Pythonnox is a command-line tool that automates testing in multiple Python environmentshuak - A Python package manager written in Rust. The Cargo for Python.Anna-Lena Popkes: An unbiased evaluation of environment management and packaging toolsPyflow streamlines working with Python projects and filesPicksNeapolitan's CRUDView provides the standard list, detail, create, edit, and delete views for a model | Classy Class-Based Views | Django Vanilla ViewsMaterial for MkDocsPaprika Recipe Manager | Ups, hatte ich letztes Mal schon...

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