#126 WebAssembly comes to Python
Python Bytes - A podcast by Michael Kennedy and Brian Okken - Lunedì
Sponsored by DigitalOcean: pythonbytes.fm/digitalocean
Special guest: Cecil Philip
Brian #1: Python Used to Take Photo of Black Hole
- Lots of people talking about this. The link I’m including is a quick write up by Mike Driscoll.
- From now on these conversations can happen:
- “So, what can you do with Python?”
- “Well, it was used to help produce the worlds first image of a black hole. Your particular problem probably isn’t as complicated as that, so Python should work fine.”
- Projects listed in the paper: “First M87 Event Horizon Telescope Results. III. Data Processing and Calibration”:
Cecil #2: Wasmer - Python Library for executing WebAssembly binaries
- WebAssembly (Wasm) enables high level languages to target a portable format that runs in the web
- Tons of languages compile down to Wasm but Wasmer enables the consumption of Wasm in python
- This enables an interesting use case for using Wasm as a way to leverage code between languages
Michael #3: Cooked Input
- cooked_input is a Python package for getting, cleaning, converting, and validating command line input.
- Name comes from
(unvalidated) and cooked input (validated) - Beginner’s can use the provided convenience classes to get simple inputs from the user.
- More complicated command line application (CLI) input can take advantage of
’s ability to create commands, menus and data tables. - All sorts of cool validates and cleaners
- Examples
cap_cleaner = ci.CapitalizationCleaner(style=ci.ALL_WORDS_CAP_STYLE)
ci.get_string(prompt="What is your name?", cleaners=[cap_cleaner])
>>> ci.get_int(prompt="How old are you?", minimum=1)
How old are you?: abc
"abc" cannot be converted to an integer number
How old are you?: 0
"0" too low (min_val=1)
How old are you?: 67
Brian #4: JetBrains and PyCharm officially collaborating with Anaconda
- PyCharm 2019.1.1 has some improvements for using Conda environments.
- Fixed various bugs related to creating Conda envs and installing packages into them.
- Special distribution of PyCharm: PyCharm for Anaconda with enhanced Anaconda support.
- I’m using PyCharm Pro with vim emulation this week to edit a notebook based presentation. I might run them in Jupyter, or just run it in PyCharm, but editing with all my normal keyboard shortcuts is awesome.
Cecil #5: Building a Serverless IoT Solution with Python Azure Functions and SignalR
- Interesting blog post on using serverless, IoT, real-time messaging to create a live dashboard
- Shows how to create a serverless function in Python to process IoT data
- There’s tons of DIY applications for using this technique at home
- The Dashboard is a static website using D3 for charting.
Michael #6: multiprocessing.shared_memory — Provides shared memory for direct access across processes
- New in Python 3.8
- This module provides a class, SharedMemory, for the allocation and management of shared memory to be accessed by one or more processes on a multicore or symmetric multiprocessor (SMP) machine.
- The
looks nice to use.
- Getting ready for PyCon with STICKERS. Yeah, baby. Come see us at PyCon. I’ll also be bringing some copies of Python Testing with pytest, if anyone doesn’t already have a copy.
- Lots of interviews going on for Test & Code, and some will happen at PyCon.
- Guido van Rossum interviewed on MIT’s AI podcast via Tony Cappellini
- Visual Studio IntelliCode for VS & VS Code
- Showing a Craigslist scammer who's boss using Python via Dan Koster
Brian: To understand recursion you must first understand recursion.
Michael: A programmer was found dead in the shower. Next to their body was a bottle of shampoo with the instructions 'Lather, Rinse and Repeat'.