Johanna Rothman Interview, with Ian Dees
Miles Forrest talks about multitasking and getting things done with Johanna Rothman and Ian Dees. Everyone manages time, whether you keep it all in your head, write it down on paper, or enter it in some form of electronic organizer. But what do you do when you have a really big project? What do you do when you say "I want to do it all!" but end up going nowhere fast? Author Johanna Rothman shares techniques that work. Johanna began managing projects back in 1984 when there was no Internet, no voice mail, and tools like spreadsheets had just been invented. As she grew in her abilities to manage large, complicated projects with hundreds of developers, she branched out, working as a consultant for the last 16 years. Her most recent book, "Managing You Project Portfolio", helps you organize multiple projects and evaluate them without getting buried under a mountain of statistics.