029: Invisible World Part 2 - Satan’s Kingdom

Pleasing Terrors - A podcast by Mike Brown

I am with Alyson Horrocks of The Strange and Unusual Podcast. It’s the evening of August 20th, 2017. We are in Danvers, MA which was previously known as Salem Village. We are visiting the Samuel Parris archeological site. Surrounded by a rail fence there are two stone lined cellars marking the location of the house that once stood here. Next to this location is a grassy path that leads to the back of a house with a wolves head door knocker. A wolf can be a monster of many faces and a bad omen. This is one of the hidden places of American history. A place where the horrors of yesterday have cast a long shadow. The bright memory of a day spent walking the sunny streets of Salem have suddenly grown dim. Even though the sun has not yet set, we are surrounded by darkness. This is the birthplace of the evil that enveloped Salem in the year 1692 and claimed the lives of over 20 people. This place is of particular significance to Alyson, because one of the people killed was her direct ancestor Elizabeth Howe. This was the home of Reverend Samuel Parris of Salem Village in 1692. In 1692, it was believed that the devil took possession of many of the people in Salem Village. Cotton Mather believed that there was a war going on with spirits trying to steal souls and witches roaming free and trying to set up Satan’s kingdom. The story of Martha Goodwin and Cotton Mather’s observation. Witchcraft and Ann Glover sentenced to death and hanged on Boston Common in 1688. Her children were in the front row. The Goodwin children suffered seizures which were likely caused by witchcraft. The curse followed the Parris house from Boston, and the Parris children began to have the seizures. Evil hands and supernatural afflictions. A visit by Sarah Good and her daughter. The Parris children accused their servant Tituba, Sarah Osborne, and Sarah Good of being witches. The shattered mind of an imprisoned four-year old and Mercy. Elizabeth Howe the wife of James Howe and mother of six children. In 1682, Elizabeth was accused of being a witch by feuding neighbors. As accusations spread, she realized the last 10 years had only been a reprieve. She was arrested and her trial began in 1692. She was found guilty and sentenced to death. The testimony of Ann Putnam and the trial of George Burroughs. There were really no witches in Salem, but there was a conspiracy that was Satanic in nature. Resources: Point Mystic The Strange and Unusual Podcast A Brief History of the Salem Witch Trials Cotton Mather Horror Never Sleeps Enjoyed this episode? Please support the show by rating, reviewing, and subscribing on iTunes. Please visit Pleasing Terrors, the podcast behind Old Charleston’s best ghost tour, on Facebook and Twitter!

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