#41 - Ft. Cassey Ho - Body Shaming Drama with Blogilates Fitness Instructor
Off The Pill - A podcast by Higa TV

Ryan Higa, Paco, David, and special guest Cassey Ho aka Blogilates talk about all things fitness related, health, diet, and how she got started on YouTube. Cassey also responds to the negative comments she received after completing her 90 day challenge.
Guest: Cassey Ho (aka Blogilates)
YouTube: http://youtube.com/blogilates
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Apple Podcast - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/o...
Google Play - https://play.google.com/music/listen#...
Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/6XBRxzv...
Hosted by: Ryan Higa
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/notryanhiga
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/RyanHiga
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/higatv/
Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/therealryanhiga
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Media Inquiries - [email protected]
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