Eluña_ Awaken to the Cosmic Consciousness __ Channeled Message from The Three Guides

Multiverse 5D - A podcast by Luciano Dias Yassuda @ Multiverse 5D

Eluña_ Awaken to the Cosmic Consciousness __ Channeled Message from The Three Guides - 2024.05.27  Eluña is an Akashic channeler, psycho-spiritual healer, and energy intuitive. Eluña receives intuitive information visually, auditorily, somatically, and energetically and is able to channel many different beings, as well as tap into the Akashic Records. Who are The Three Guides The Three Guides are scholars from the time of Atlantis and contemporaries of Thoth. They are coming through at this time to assist humanity with raising consciousness to help bring about unity and empowerment with the teachings of Hermetic wisdom. This week, the Three Guides went into the art and process of expansion. They describe what is needed for this process and how to let it happen without distortion. They also describe how our bodies, our chakra centers, and our minds will be affected by the incoming energies from the cosmos, as well as how the Collective will be affected. Group consciousness is the next part of humanity’s evolution and it is increasing. This increase in expansion is happening within and without, above and below, and cannot be stopped. They advise us on how to move with the energies, how to rest, and how to integrate it all.

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