32 Patty Pacelli | On preparing younger kiddos for the workforce, what makes some people with autism fantastic hires, some of the best and worst jobs for people with autism, and about helpful work accommodations.

Joyriding In Autismland: Autism Podcast with Kid Gigawatt

Today I'm excited to speak to author Patty Pacelli, whose young adult son has autism. She advocates for people on the spectrum to achieve their career dreams and contribute their exceptional talents to the workforce, and has just written a book entitled Six Word Lessons for Autism Friendly Workplaces.

We chat about preparing younger kiddos for the workforce, what makes some people with autism fantastic hires, some of the best and worst jobs for people with autism, and about helpful work accommodations.

In case you're thinking about picking up the book here's a chapter summary
1.  The Need for Autism Friendly Workplaces
2.  Career Preparation for Parents and Children
3.  How to Find the Best Jobs
4.  ADA Laws and Rules for Work
5.  Best Interview Practices for the Employer
6.  Interview Tips for People with Autism
7.  Reasonable Accommodations for Employers to Offer
8.  Accommodations that can Help Autistic Employees
9.  Benefits of Hiring People with Autism
10. Be Aware of Unique Autistic Traits
11. Social Expectations for Workers with Autism

And here are Patty's deets:

Website: http://www.growingupautistic.com
Book: http://www.growingupautistic.com/six-word-lessons-for-autism-friendly-workplaces.html
Fast Company article: http://www.fastcompany.com/3028536/leadership-now/how-to-build-an-autism-friendly-workplace
Entrepreneur article: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233281
