19 Apr 22 – The Dangers of Metaverse; Father Stu Movie

Jesus 911 - A podcast by Jesse Romero, Eddie Chavez, Ruben Nava

Today's Topics:  1, 2) Metaverse: Augmented reality pioneer warns it could be far worse than social media. If used improperly, the metaverse could be more divisive than social media and an insidious threat to society and even reality itself  https://bigthink.com/the-future/metaverse-augmented-reality-danger/#:~:text=Metaverse%3A%20Augmented%20reality%20inventor%20warns%20it%20could%20be,potential%20to%20amplify%20these%20dangers%20to%20incomprehensible%20levels.  3, 4) Father Stu starring Mark Wahlberg is vulgar and poorly written…until the last act  https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/father-stu-starring-mark-wahlberg-is-vulgar-and-poorly-written-until-the-last-act/?utm_source=top_news&utm_campaign=usa

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