We Found Epstein CoConspirator Sarah Kellen

Jeffrey Epstein, The Prince and The Pervert Podcast - A podcast by Jen Tarran


While people are moving enmasse out of New York City due to covid, one alleged Epstein coconspirator is on the downlow in one of the city’s popular neighbourhoods.Sarah Kellen/Kensington/Bonk/Vickers is living in a penthouse with her husband Brian Vickers, amid rumours she’s trying to cut a deal with law enforcement in the Ghislaine Maxwell case.Kellen is accused of recruiting and scheduling up to six sessions a day in the Palm Beach mansion in the early 2000s.She allegedly  prepared the oils and the lotions in the rooms where the sex abuse occurred. According to police, Kellen saw hundreds of girls go up those spiral stairs at Epstein’s Palm Beach home.She’s pleaded the fifth amendment on the Epstein allegations and was one of the beneficiaries of the much-criticised Acousta plea deal. So we may never know her story.New York City is not the first choice under normal circumstances but the covid crisis has seen Epstein alleged coconspirator hide out in a normally conspicuous part of the city, except during covid.More information on Larry the pilot, Adam Perry Lang and Sarah Kellen is available in our Facebook group. Support us for just $2-a-month on Patreon. Join Patreon to get exclusive reports, access to an exclusive Discord channel and subscriber-only episodes. https://www.patreon.com/JeffreyEpsteinPrincePervert?fan_landing=trueChat to us on Twitter @lisapodcasts @Ohreallytruly Instagram @Princeandperve www.jeffreyepsteinpodcast.com 

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