Camera Position 54 : Photograph like a Child

Jeff Curto's Camera Position - A podcast by Jeff Curto


Summer’s lazy days put me in the mind of childhood and a recent encounter with some ideas by Pablo Picasso and some photographs by French photographer Jacques Henri Lartigue (1894-1986) made me think about how important a childlike sense of wonder is to photographers.
Picasso said:
“All children are artists. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.” – Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso – Two Women on the Beach
Lartigue started taking photos when he was 6, his subject matter being primarily his own life and the people and activities in it. So, as a child he photographed his friends and family at play – running and jumping, racing wheeled soap boxes, building kites, etc.

Photographs by Jacques Henri Lartigue
Jacques Henri Lartigue at Masters of Photography

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