09 - Euro 68
Italian Stories with Davide - A podcast by Davide Emanuelli
Ciao Ragazzi!On these days the European Football Championship is underway.We jump back to 1968 when Italy won its first and only European title.It was a new beginning for Italian football, in a year full of social turmoils,that set the tone of the decade to come....Support the project on Tipeee and receive transcriptions of each episode, complete with translations of the most challenging words: https://en.tipeee.com/italian-stories-with-davide/news/163753.https://www.patreon.com/posts/85572644.Donation - Paypal:https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=HJF6KQ4BY27Y2.Hope you enjoy and...Ci vediamo presto!Music by Andrea Danuzzo: https://soundcloud.com/andrea-sven-danuzzo...Sources:John Foot - Calciohttps://www.amazon.it/Calcio-John-Foot/dp/0007175752John Foot - The archipelagohttps://www.amazon.it/Archipelago-Italy-Since-1945/dp/1408827247Alfio Caruso - Un secolo azzurrohttps://www.amazon.it/secolo-azzurro-Centanni-raccontati-Nazionale/dp/8830437921Enrico Deaglio - Patria 1967-1977https://www.amazon.it/Patria-1967-1977-Enrico-Deaglio/dp/8807173271