Build Your Business Through Podcasting with Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo

How to Get Your First 100K Podcast Listeners: For Online Business Owners - A podcast by Luis Diaz


PDS #95I have here with me today the creators and co-hosts of the #1 marriage podcast, the ONE Extraordinary Marriage, Tony and Alisa DiLorenzo. Their show helps educate, amuse and motivate couples to have a profound level of connection. We will be discussing the ins and outs of creating a successful podcast, from buying the equipment, brainstorming for content, and finding resources to start your podcasting career. We also dig into must-know advice for managing your show once it's up, and improving your show as it grows. So, grab that coffee and sit down with us. *Get all my best tools, templates, guides HERE* - *Want to work with me* - *JOIN THE FACEBOOK GROUP!* link: In this episode: The thought process of making a show – idea phase, content, post to get data, outline, record What to do when you’re running out of content How to present information to your audience The benefits of creating a Top 10  What happens once the recording is done Why you should do your OWN intro and not use something that’s bought How a show should flow Bad reps are your training wheels to make a good podcast *Resources Mentioned in this Episode*AudacityLibsyn  Connect with Tony and Alisa:websiteOEM Instagram  Connect with Luis:Website InstagramFacebook GroupFacebook‍Check out the top 5 episodes here:Expert Secrets For Growing Your Podcast Audience with Yann IlungaUnheard Ways To Market Your Podcast and Grow Your Audience with Ravi JayagopalWhat WWE Wrestling Can Teach You About Storytelling in Podcasting with Celeste BoninIntent-Based PodcastingInsider Tips To Grow A Massive YouTube Channel with Mike Piet

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