How to Communicate Better with Your Husband (Even About Money!)
Happy, Holy Mama - A podcast by Emily Brown - Lunedì

It can be so hard to communicate with your husband, especially at the end of a long day, or in the middle of a tough situation. We need to have important conversations, especially when it comes to our family's budget, financial health, and look at the upcoming holiday spending. But how do you do that when, in the past, it's ended in anger, hurt feelings, and disconnection? In today's episode, I'm going to: Breakdown what's going on in BOTH of your brains that has likely lead to miscommunication in the past Aand the one thing you can do to help shift the conversation Yep, even around money. My hope is that what you'll learn in today's episode is going to help you connect with your hubby more than you likely have in a long time. And as a total bonus, you can apply this to the way you communicate with your kids as well! Then, when you're ready, come join us in Happy, Holy Mama to learn how to take your communication with your hubby, kids, God, and even your parents to the next level! Monthly Membership is now open! CLICK HERE to get the details and get started today!