Healing the Past in the Present
Happy, Holy Mama - A podcast by Emily Brown - Lunedì

My third oldest child turned 15 this past weekend and as I spent time looking back over photos of his youngest years of childhood, especially when he was really little, there was a noticeable difference in how I felt this weekend, compared to past years. Instead of feeling sad or twinges of regret remembering some of the hardest years of my life, this weekend I noticed joy, peace, and contentment while thinking about those memories. I didn’t realize that shift had happened until I paid attention to the lack of sadness! But that didn’t just happen. It was hard earned. I’d like to invite you to grab your earbuds and join for today’s podcast episode where I break down the steps that I went through to create that shift over the past several years to: Heal the Past in the Present. Click here to join BELOVED!