What happened to football in East Germany after reunification? (7)

Radio GDR - East Germany Podcast - A podcast by Steven Minegar

On this episode of the Radio GDR East Germany podcast host Shane Whaley talks with GDR Objectified's John Paul Kleiner about a bizarre football game that took place at FC Stahl Brandenburg in '92 and how it highlights that not all was rosy in the newly united Germany. Shane tells us how he discovered a crazy Stahl Brandenburg football clip on youtube which he shared on his Facebook page.  (Only 5 Stahl Brandenburg players remained on the field!)   Shane got chatting with John Paul who explained that this game reveals a lot about the attitude of many East Germans many of whom were disillusioned with re-unification.  Many East German clubs felt that there was a bias against them from the former West Germany and the Bundesliga authorities.  John Paul explains how football in East Germany was organized following German reunification.   John Paul also answers a question from Radio GDR listener Klaus Magnus who asked what happened to the more famous East Germany football clubs after '89. John Paul also shares his itinerary with us for his trip to Germany where he will visit some DDR sites in Berlin, Frankfurt an der Oder and Guben. Check out our Radio GDR Facebook group as he has promised to share a few snaps with us. Also on this episode, John Paul shares with us the German word for 'mullet'.

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