RADIO ON THE ROCKS CafeCast interview with DAVID SPOELSTRA - N9KT, President of the W9IMS Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club

DigiCommCafe - A podcast by Dennyj - K5DCC


This CafeCast is the audio portion of a Video CafeCast interview with DAVID SPOELSTRA - N9KT of Indianapolis, IN who is the current president of the W9IMS Indianapolis Motor Speedway Amateur Radio Club. David shares with us about the special event activities quickly coming up associated with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway races. You will want to get these beautiful QSL cards and even the certificate for your shack wall. Watch the CafeCast video here: If you're interested in becoming a licensed amateur radio operator, I recommend you use HamtestOnline for your studies and preparations. I used it to get my Extra Class Upgrade. Do you live in a rural location like me? I’ll bet you struggle to get reliable internet, don’t you? I have finally found an inexpensive service. It’s called Visible which is owned by Verizon and uses their network. They only have one plan and it is unlimited everything for $40 a month! If you join the Digicommcafe Party Party Group that drops to $25/month! Request a line at and use my referral code: 3n37nt. Once you have your SIM card installed and registered, go to and join our party to drop to $25 a month for unlimited everything! We are very happy with the service.

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