The Mine Children, Episode 18: Planning
Demipia - A podcast by Demipia, the Third Age

The Mine Children, Episode 18: Planning Loss is always difficult to deal with, and each soul must take time to grieve in its own way. Unfortunately, time is not a resource that these odd companions have. The situation is more than deperate, and they must organise themselves properly if they are to save themselves from being overcome by the chaos around them. Maybe they might even find a solution before it is too late. Like us on Facebook and look at the maps of Southern Vaals, and the Dorliir Temple at: Follow us on Twitter for updates, discussion, and some much needed psychotherapy Demipia, The Mine Children is written and produced by Maximillian Chambers, Copyright 2017. All rights reserved. The Mine Children Theme written by Rich Spencer. Music used under the Creative Commons free for commercial use attribution license (Artist - Track): Sergey Cheremisinov - The SignalsFireproof Babies - Dark Woodsnaotko - PVC Quena JA rearrangeLancefield - Gravesidedoxent zsigmond - Mysterium