PREMIERE: Billus - Dust In Bloom [Pollinate Records]
Delayed - A podcast by Delayed
Anchored by the resampled chord and piano line, ‘Dust in Bloom’ the titular track from Billus’ debut album, layers intricate aural artifacts to gaseous hypnagogic effect. The hop-skip of the kick and bubbling low-end reveals a playful and plucky atmosphere which evokes learning to ride a bike again for the first time. One part liberating, one part unnerving, pensively poking until the laid-back break comes and helps to find balance. The album is slated for CD & Digital release on May 29th on Pollinate Records, run by label mate Dashiell. While the label is still young, the quality of their releases illustrates the maturity of institutions who are decades into proceedings. Billus’ previous release with Animalia, explored breaks, house and tech with aquatic undertones and a lifting meditative energy similar to Dust. Music like this takes time to sink in but still hits both at home or in a unique dancefloor spectacle. Accompanying is visual response from artist Ava Clifforth which chops organic forms with kaleidoscopic patterns. Melting amoebas initially transfix the screen, yet they evolve, binding a narrative through the autonomy of plants and pollen. These forms weasel from engineered voids and grow into something much larger and slightly dystopian, splaying across an AR World. The release will be distributed and available from the Pollinate Records bandcamp. Watch the Youtube video here: Write-up by @iamdanielgeorge @ @ @ @