234: Navigate the Dip
The Corporate Yogi Podcast - A podcast by Julie Zuzek

INTRO:Hey, thanks for tuning in to the Corporate Yogi podcast, I’m your host Julie Zuzek. This pod is YOUR dedicated time for growth, developing practical tools to use with your team and other relationships and to learning deeply about who you are and what makes you tick! Because you are a brilliant and powerful being and I want you to invest more time reflecting on WHO are being, not just WHAT you are doing. Doing is awesome, but BEING, well that is where the magic happens and what makes you truly feel fulfilled. You’re going to love this episode e. So, here’s a look at what you’re going to learn today1 – In the first segment you’’ll learn what the dip is2 – Then in the second segment you’ll learn how to avoid it3 – And in the last segment you’ll learn tips to get out of the dipSo get out of your head, into your heart and let’s dive right in, shall we.SEGMENT 1 You see, the DIP is kinda like quicksand. Once you’re in, it’s really hard to get out on your own, and the more you struggle and panic and fight it, the deeper you go into the quicksand.What exactly is the dip? It’s that really dark place we go to when it feels like everything is going wrong. Work is wrong, relationships are wrong, our health is wrong. And it feels like we’re on a one-way ticket to blowing up. But see that is the tricky thing with being IN the dip, we lose all perspective and we don’t even really know that we’re there. We can’t see how deep we are and how much it is impacting us, only people outside of the dip can see that and they can help give us the perspective that we really need. So, I recently watched a tech insider video titled, how to escape quicksand. Don’t ask me why, it just showed up, it was a good looking animated video, and I remember scrolling through it and thinking, yeah – that might actually be useful, you never know when you’re going to find yourself trapped in quicksand, right? And in the video that actually say, don’t feak out because humans can’t actually drown in the stuff, as humans we actually float in it, and we’ll only sink up to about our waist. Really? I guess it’s just an urban legend that you can drown in quicksand. Although I feel like I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it happen in an Indiana jones or other action movie at some point, but whatever. I’m not going to challenge it. One thing they do say in this video is DON’T ask your friend to help pull you out.OK, so then the dip is similar to quicksand, but that might not be the perfect analogy, because if you are in the DIP I know 100% that you can and SHOULD ask for help. And I promise that just the simple ask of telling someone that something is going on, but you don’t actually know exactly what it is. And that is totally ok.So remember, the Dip is perfectly normalThere is No shame in being there. It’s just a natural part of the process.And you don’t need to figure out WHY you’re in the dip, or understand How you got there, you only need to figure out HOW to get yourself out of there, and sometimes the easiest way to do that, is to ask for help. And the Dip this is the perfect thing to put into your relationship, to be able to say to your friend, and design, I may get in the dip, if I do I need to know that I can reach out to you for help at any time. And this has to be a two-way street, its kind of like making a pact, where you can both ask for help when you need it. No questions asked. Maybe you have a code word, or a code phrase you can use, instead of “the eagle has landed”, it could be “the eagle is stuck in the quicksand” , or maybe you can use this language of The Dip, as this place that we find ourselves in sometimes. But as part of the designed alliance, pls make sure you pick some sort of language you can use to quickly reference it, so the other person knows this is serious...