Challenge Mania - A podcast by Challenge Mania


Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Challenge Host TJ LAVIN!

Who better to ring in the New Year with us at Challenge Mania than the host of The Challenge, TJ LAVIN!?

TJ (@TJLavin) returns to the podcast for the first time in almost a year with a ton of new material to unpack. He tells Derrick (@DerrickMTV) and Scott (@SHOTOFYAGER) what fans can expect from the upcoming season, without giving too much away of course! He shares his thoughts on Ashley's million dollar decision, whether Hunter is still to be considered a Challenge Champion, what he thinks of equalizers, what OG he wants to see back, his thoughts on pasta-gate, why Sylvia didn't get sent home for her head-butt on The Final Reckoning and best of all, TJ even casts his vote for a bunch of the Challenge Mania Awards Live on the air! If this podcast is a sign of what is to come in 2019, the sky is the limit!

For more Challenge Mania, bonus podcasts, special contests and other perks, head to www.Patreon.com/ChallengeMania and consider becoming a patron of the show!

Voting for the Challenge Mania Awards closes at 11:45pm EST on Wed. January 2nd.

We are partnering up with DRAFT KINGS for a one Fantasy Football day contest THIS SUNDAY, JANUARY 6th! For only $5 to enter, you have a chance to win 2 VIP M&G Tickets to the Challenge Mania Live show of your choosing plus $1500 to cover travel expenses. That's $1700 in total prizes.
Head to https://dkng.co/ChallengeMania to play! Must have your lineup in by the start of the first game this Sunday, January 6th. Restrictions apply. See website for details.

Robinhood is giving Maniacs a FREE STOCK. Download the Robinhood app today at Robinhood.com/ChallengeMania

We are coming to NYC for Challenge Mania Live on Saturday, January 26th. Tickets available at www.ChallengeMania.LIVE

We'll be in Chicago on Saturday, February 9th, tickets available at www.ChallengeManiaCHI.com

Finally, we'll be in Austin, TX on Saturday, February 16th! Tickets available at www.ChallengeManiaTX.com

FREE SHIPPING OVER $45 HAS RETURNED to the Challenge Mania Shop. Just head to www.ChallengeMania.Shop today!

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