Ep. 363: Aviv Melmed

Challenge Mania - A podcast by Challenge Mania


Derrick & Scott are joined by Fresh Meat Champ Aviv Melmed!The quest to find some of the great One-And-Done Champs of Challenge History continues with the Queen of Fresh Meat Season 1, who after winning the season alongside Darrell never returned The Challenge and instead persued a career and family. Aviv made her Challenge debut after a stint in the Israeli Airforce and when it came to her rookie season on MTV she certainly stuck the landing. We caught up with Aviv to find out what she's been up to since, why we never saw her again, what her most scandalous moment on or off screen was, what her experience was like and more!www.ChallengeManiacs.com to hear the FULL AUDIO of Pittsburgh Live Show and for TWO Pre-Sales this month for Nashville and San Diego!www.ChallengeMania.Live for TIX TO ALL LIVE SHOWS!www.ChallengeMania.Shop for Swag!www.Twitter.com/DerrickMTVwww.Twitter.com/SHOTOFYAGER

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