Ep. 2: Tony Raines
Challenge Mania - A podcast by Challenge Mania

Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Tony Raines.
Tony Raines (@T_Raines33) joins Derrick (@DerrickMTV) and Scott (@SHOTOFYAGER) to talk about the brewing feud between the so-called #YoungBucks in their 20's and the grizzled old vets in their 30's. We learn about Tony and Derrick's interactions on #ChallengeXXX, Derrick's shameless support of Darrell during his elimination round with Tony, some scenes that you didn't see on TV like a secret dinner and much more! Tony discusses the unfortunate incidents involving both he and his brother and by the end of the show the guys break into a full on #20sVs30s Draft! Tony and Derrick each pick three guys and three girls they would want to go to war with.
The guys asked you who you wanted to hear on #ChallengeMania and Tony was at the very top of your list. Who better to be the first ever guest on Challenge Mania than the guy who made it all the way to the final challenge on his fourth Challenge season, #Dirty30, only to lose to our very own Derrick Kosinski. #ChallengeAccepted
The sound quality of this episode might be a little below our standard but we wanted to make sure to get you guys the episode on time on #TonyTuesday so thanks for bearing with us on the audio. The podcast itself pulls absolutely no punches and #Challenge fans should enjoy this head-to-head-to head with one of the most exciting and polarizing young players in the MTV Challenge Universe that is LOADED with inside info and stuff you don't see on TV!
Remember to follow everyone on twitter @DerrickMTV, @SHOTOFYAGER and @T_Raines33 and let the guys know who you want to hear on #ChallengeMania next! We love to hear from you! #ChallengeAccepted