Ep. 11: Tori Deal
Challenge Mania - A podcast by Challenge Mania

Derrick Kosinski & Scott Yager are joined by Tori Deal.
If you're not a fan of this #Dirty30 Finalist and former #AreYouTheOne star joining us on the show this week...three words: #DEALWithIt
Tori Deal (@Tori_Deal) is one of the most talked about #Challenge stars today. She made it to the finals on #Dirty30, she filled in for a disqualified competitor on #ChampsVsStars and it was just revealed in the season trailer last week that she'll be making a buzz-worthy surprise appearance on #TheChallengeVendettas!
Tori drops by #ChallengeMania to talk to Derrick (@DerrickMTV) and Scott (@SHOTOFYAGER) about how she got cast on #AreYouTheOne, along with a surprise appearance by a life-long fan of #TheChallenge who convinced her to initially try out. We get the scoop on Tori and Jordan and learn about more of the fallout between Tori and her ex, Derrick H. Tori and OUR Derrick reminisce about the final they competed against each other in, Tori weighs in on the Cara Maria Vs Kailah debate, the guys learn about her music career and much much more!
Plus, Scott and Tori close the show with a very special voice battle that you will need to hear to believe.
Make sure to follow everyone on Twitter and let Derrick and Scott know who YOU want to hear on #ChallengeMania next! #ChallengeAccepted