Asking Mike Winger Those Controversial Questions

BibleThinker - A podcast by Mike Winger - Sabato

0:00 - Introduction 1. 5:55 What are your thoughts on divorce and remarriage for Christians? Is it biblical? 2. 15:33 What are your thoughts about the Covid vaccine, and about following other government mandates or laws? 3. 22:52 What do you think of women in positions of Christian leadership? 4. 24:39 Is it o.k. for Christians to live in prosperity? How prosperous is too prosperous for a Christian, when it comes to possessions? Should Christians sell all that they have? 5. 29:05 How can we share the gospel to gay friends? Do you believe there is such a thing as a "gay Christian" that continues to act on their temptations? If someone is currently in a gay marriage, should they divorce, or stay committed to the marriage? 6. 44:01 What does Pastor Mike think about Nate and Sutton’s channel? 7. 45:47 Why do we worship on Sundays when the 10 Commandments talk about the Sabbath and even Jesus kept the Sabbath? 8. 49:49 What is your perspective on the practice of speaking in tongues? Is that gift for today? And what do you think about people who say if you don't speak in tongues, you don't have the Holy Spirit? 9. 54:57 When it comes to our giving, is there a specific percentage Christians are supposed to tithe or give? 10. 1:02:37 How did Satan have the ability to sin before the fall, and how did sin come to exist? 11. 1:05:21 Why should we pray for unbelievers to be saved when God already has His “Elect” chosen? Here's Nate and Sutton's channel. I had a great time with them but also think that they have valuable content that is helping people know and follow Christ. Check them out! This is my exhaustive video on divorce and remarriage. If you really want help on this I recommend you patiently watch it all and prayerfully consider it.

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