20 Questions with Pastor Mike (Episode 13)

BibleThinker - A podcast by Mike Winger - Sabato

Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference: 0:00 Introduction 1. 0:09 One of my pastors used TPT on Sunday. What should I do? I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt that he just doesn’t know much about it, but I’m not happy at all that this “thing” (can’t even call it a translation) was used in my church. WWJD? 2. 5:14 Have you any solid information on Nicky Gumbel, Alpha, and The Message Bible (which he recommends)? Couldn't find it in a search here, and some friends think he's OK! 3. 10:29 What is the best way for me to prepare to one day be a pastor? I am 20 years old and attending college and then seminary. Any suggestions for the years of preparation ahead of me? 4. 13:30 How do I organize my prayer life and find ways to serve the Lord in quarantine? 5. 15:58 How would you respond to an abusive father who pushes the narrative to “honor your parents” (when he really means submit/worship) and disregards the Scripture to “leave and cleave”? 6. 19:20 How do you go about finding scholarly articles for the studies you are doing? I have begun doing my own study going through Matthew, and some scholarly work would be really helpful! 7. 21:26 What does the bible say about “listening prayer”? Should we spend time in silence listening for God's voice? 8. 24:09 Why did God not desire for the people to “return and be healed” in Isaiah 6? 9. 29:23 What did Jesus mean by turn the other cheek, give away your tunic, and go an extra mile in Mathew 5: 38-42? What about self-defense, or when being taken advantage of? 10. 37:02 Is accepting Jesus in our life the only way to Heaven? For someone who has never heard the Gospel or has seen harmful representations of it (i.e. JWs), will they also be given grace? 11. 41:00 How do I help my mother in law she says she has been ordained as an elder in the church and she is excited about it? thanks. 12. 42:47 How do I find God? Praying and reading the Bible got me nowhere in 5 months. And church is not available at the moment. New Age gave me comfort while searching, but Christ only gave me confusion. 13. 47:10 How do we study the Bible properly? 14. 48:06 Is there any evidence on the inspiration of the canonization of the Bible? or is the canonization something that was helpful but not inspired and thus inspired texts beyond the Bible could exist? 15. 52:28 Why did god create the tree of the knowledge of good and evil if His foreknowledge knew they would sin? 16. 54:46 In Mark 8:5-9, why does Jesus ask for bread in vs. 5, and why do they bring the fish to Him in vs. 7? Does it mean Jesus cannot create food "out of thin air,” but He needs something to start with? 17. 57:36 Do you view the early chapters of genesis as mythology or as history? I know it’s not a key issue, but would love your opinion! 18. 59:46 If I have turned away from the Lord after being close to him is there any chance of coming back to him? I basically lived like the world for a year and a half and don’t know if God is done with me. 19. 1:01:05 Any tips on how to start believing? I've been atheistic all my life. 20. 1:03:08 Our church believes you have the Holy Spirit once saved but can receive a prayer language through a separate experience called the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Is this scriptural? Bonus Q: 21. 1:05:08 Should a Christian take the Covid vaccine? My most recent video on The Passion Translation. https://youtu.be/2EtXBxAuZ3g But interviews with scholars are coming very soon! Every Friday at 1pm PT Here’s how you get your questions answered in the Q&A 1) Please reread your question before you ask to ensure that it will make sense to me. Clarity is paramount. 2) Wait till we go live before asking. We don’t take questions until then. 3) Put a “Q” at the beginning of your question. 4) Please only ask once, our mods are checking the chat continually. 5) I’m truly sorry if I’m unable to get to your question. I know its a bummer, but I am doing my best. 6) If you arrive late we may have already ga

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