Episode 93: Timeless Love: Unveiling the Infinite Bonds of Love in Life and Beyond
Beautiful Soul-Led Life Podcast - A podcast by Tara Marino

Today, I want to reflect on love’s enduring nature, and to talk about the overflowing love that I am feeling at this very moment. This includes celebrating the limitless connections we maintain beyond the physical realm, or after what some would refer to as “loss.” These transitions can deepen our appreciation for life's physical and emotional bonds, because love is timeless and it’s not just contained within the body. In this potent episode, you’ll hear: The awareness that I’m exploring that love is never truly lost and the opportunity that exists around “loss” [3:07] How I have come to realize the timelessness of love and that it is not contained in the physical body [4:22] The ways in which I have an absolute knowing that Mason is still here with me [5:25] What I don’t want you to take from what I share in this episode [6:57] The second level of impact that I feel right now and invite you too as well [7:37] This is a short episode, but I was called to bring it to you today, because it’s something that is gorgeous for us to share together. I love you and I’m so grateful to be with you inside of this physical space, so let’s honor that. How is this conversation moving you or touching you inside, and how are you experiencing your own physicality? What are your insights on this idea that love is timeless and never lost? I want to hear from you, so please send us a DM on Instagram, @taraannmarino, or at our new account, @elegantfemme.ef. Make sure to stay tuned to the very end of this episode, as I share my intention for Le Club, the why, the what, the how and all of those beautiful things in case you are being called into this level of conversation in your life! If you would like to join myself and other women from around the world inside of Le Club, it has now started.This will be a journey like no other, and you can enroll NOW at www.elegantfemme.com/LeClub! As you’ve heard, we’ve launched a mini-program called Amour. In this beautiful program I share with you how to truly embody your feminine in relationships so you can receive the deepest level of love possible, whether you are in a relationship with a partner or not, and you can enroll now at www.elegantfemme.com/amour. If you’re ready to reawaken the woman within, the lifestyle makeover for the conscious modern woman who is devoted to living life fully is now available. You can learn more and join our brand new Lean Back and and Live You Fully at www.elegantfemme.com/LYF! Do you have a question that you would like answered on an upcoming episode of the podcast too? You can email us, [email protected], and if it’s a question that I think can bring value to the community and listeners, I could answer it on a future episode of this podcast! Also, If you haven’t already, take our Femme Design Assessment and see which of your FemmeTypes are underutilized.