Episode 23 - To learn, to teach, to code w/ Ramón Huidobro
Aua-uff-Code! - A podcast by Matthias Bendel und Stefan Haslinger

Show Notes und Links Ramon Huidobro @senorhuidobro auf Twitter Website Github Profile Vienna-rb Refugee Hackathon Vienna Where2Help auf Github @rogerwinandy Fonds Soziales Wien Ruby Habits auf Github Ramon’s sister Pilar @tamacodechi Crystal Habits Ramon mentions Vienna Beamers = Elixir Study Group Vienna Gosu - 2D Gaming Library for Ruby Rails Girls Vienna Food Waste Hackathon Vienna Chat Bot Barcamp Vienna Website is meanwhile offline, an article about it at Futurezone Bootstrap TI-83 graphing calculator Web Based Emulator explaination hot to use it Vienna Internation School Stencyl Scratch Unity3D Rails Girls, materials to get started https://railsgirlssummerofcode.org/ the episode on Rails Girls Summer Of Code with Laura Gaetano Openfarm Lemmings