380 | Resiliency, Self-Talk & the Power of Acceptance with Jennifer G.

ADHD reWired - A podcast by Eric Tivers, LCSW, ADHD-CCSP


"When I was in a high-stress situation, I don’t know if it’s the adrenaline acting like Adderall, but everything slows down for me and it’s by the numbers." Today, listen as your host Eric Tivers and his guest Jennifer G. discuss how her diagnosis affected her law enforcement training and career as well as some of the traumatic events from her childhood involving her family on this episode of . There are some officers out there who shouldn’t be and others who are meant to be in their position. The latter really want to help people; it’s what they do, and it’s a very strong feeling. Jennifer was born and raised on Martha’s Vineyard in the 1960s and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Nancy Drew and The Happy Hollisters mystery book series heavily influenced her as a child. She started her career in law enforcement as a meter maid in her town. Then she became an emergency dispatcher and finally a police officer like her father. The story of arrest is one of struggle and triumph and then struggle again, both with and against ADHD. With her ADHD, Jennifer always came to work hyper prepared for any incident on a call. Her trunk had everything she could need for any possible scenario, something that her co-workers both teased her for and took advantage of when they needed her help. Listen to her stories of struggle with anxiety and depression and embarrassing incidents while training and working as a police officer with ADHD. You’ll also hear about how Jennifer almost got hooked on alcohol and some hair-raising events during her childhood involving her older sister who suffers from drug and alcohol addiction. You’ll even discover her unusual rock collection where prized pieces keep...exposing themselves to her on the beach for her to discover. You'll learn: [02:27] Welcome to the show, Jennifer! [03:39] How did Eric’s podcast save Jennifer’s life? [05:16] Jennifer discusses how she first got into law enforcement. [06:21] Jennifer humorously reveals her biggest claim to fame. [07:09] A mishap during police academy training almost halted Jennifer’s career. [08:32] A squawking radio almost gave Jennifer away during an undercover drug call. [10:42] Hesitating to tell this story, Jennifer reveals a time she gave the wrong directions to her backup. [12:12] Was Jennifer more willing to take risks and enter dangerous situations? [14:30] Jennifer wonders if adrenaline acts like Adderall and slows you down. [29:15] Jennifer experienced a lot of trauma in her family growing up. [31:42] Has Jennifer explored the role PTSD might have played in her life thanks to her traumatic childhood? [32:25] At a young age, Jennifer discovered alcohol and could’ve gotten addicted. [34:52] If Jennifer hadn’t stopped drinking at age 23, she doesn’t think she’d be here right now. [37:00] Jennifer describes what her blue-collar dad and busy mom were like as she grew up. [39:42] The kindest thing Jennifer’s younger sister ever said to her. [41:14] Self-compassion is the way forward, no matter what struggle you’re working on. [49:27] Say what?! Jennifer has an erotic collection of rocks (which is growing every day). [51:31] Jennifer started rock hunting after her mother fell sick. She gets a bit emotional describing how her mom supported her. [53:21] For so many of us, the inner critic we hear comes in the voice of a parent. [55:09] Once you get diagnosed and start working with yourself, some people resist the changes in you. [55:36] Jennifer might be on the verge of a new invention. She’s an idea machine! [59:21] If you are a regular listener, consider becoming a patron by clicking on our Patreon tab at  .

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