Episode #60: Those Sticky Icky Emotions: What of it?!

Act to Live - A podcast by Scott Palasik & Jaime Michise


Summary: This week on the Act To Live Podcast, Scott and Jaime dive into emotions. They asked each other, “How are you, really” and discover that by simply adding the word “really” at the end, we can encourage others to share some true feelings and emotions, which may be very helpful to learn more about each other and assist those in need. They next took some time to define what emotions are, where Scott asked Jaime to list as many emotions as she can. She does well, and lists 11 (perhaps 12, but the judge is still pondering this). They then discuss that there are upwards of 270 emotional words in the English language. This triggers a conversation about the importance of knowing how to explain our feelings and how that ties into Emotional Intelligence (EQ). They talk about some quotes from Justin Bariso’s book, EQ Applied, and then finish with the Action Question/Even of week!  Feel the feels y’all! Action Event of the Week: List as many emotions as you may feel in any given day and see if you can describe what behaviors you are doing when you feel those emotions. Now rank which of the emotions you feel the most often to least often to the most often. Sit with this list and see if you would want to make any adjustments to the emotions you WANT TO FEEL. These actions may help to connect with our values, and who we are at the core. Check out ALL of our Action Events each Week to learn how to begin practicing psychological flexibility and being more you, TODAY!  Where do we walk to next?: On future Act To Live Episodes, we will walk through topics like your neurodiverse mind and the responsibility we have to support each other, along with empowering yourself to advocate for you!!! Come and walk with us! References: Lama and Paul Ekman. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001OC2W1I/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_PKVDHMF9ZKGQERWTHA50  Tchiki Davis. 271 Emotional Words. https://www.berkeleywellbeing.com/list-of-emotions.html  Justin Bariso(2018). EQ Applied: The Real World Guide To Emotional Intelligence. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RTC1NX5/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_250SBT54CHXYEQT2406R  Brene Brown (2021). Atlas of the Heart.  https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B097416CTT&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_N6SX49Z1RMYX80RH6K7Y&tag=mobilea0615b4-20 

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