S14 E15 - Life in the Power of the Holy Spirit (with Dr. Mary Healy)

Abiding Together - A podcast by Heather Khym, Michelle Benzinger, Sister Miriam James Heidland - Lunedì

In this week's episode, we welcome Dr. Mary Healy, author, and professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, to talk about living life in the power of the Holy Spirit. Dr. Healy shares how her life was radically transformed through an encounter with the Holy Spirit and reflects on the beauty of allowing the Holy Spirit to work in her life. We also chat practically about how to live life day by day in the power of the Holy Spirit, how to learn to hear and respond to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and how we can prepare our hearts for Pentecost.   Heather’s One Thing - Wild Goose Series on the Holy Spirit Heather’s Other One Thing - Peter and Debbie Herbeck (check out Renewal Ministries and Be Love Revolution)  Sister Miriam’s One Thing - Springtime! Michelle’s One Thing - Camp Chosatonga (for boys) and Camp Kahdalia (for girls) and Mission on the Mountain Dr. Mary Healy’s One Thing -  Blessed Elena Guerra   Journal Questions: When did the love of God first become real to me? Have you ever experienced “white knuckle” Christianity? How can I live my life in the power of the Holy Spirit? What areas of my life are hardest to surrender to the Holy Spirit? Where in my life have I rationed the Holy Spirit? Where am I blocking the Holy Spirit?   Discussion Questions: When do you feel like your failures are too much for God? What has your experience been with the Holy Spirit? Who in your life is filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit? What sacrifices have I had to make to surrender more fully to God? Quote to Ponder: “I would sacrifice myself a thousand times if I had the lives . . . I will go and I will do as the Holy Spirit inspires me” (Catherine of Sienna)   Scripture for Lectio:  “When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them.  All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them ability.” (Acts 2:1-4)   Sponsor - Hallow: Get 3 months free of Hallow, the #1 app for prayer, meditation, and music at https://www.hallow.com/abide with over 10,000 audio-guided prayers to help you find peace and grow closer to God. Join the 33 Days to Morning Glory Marian Consecration with Sr. Miriam today!

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