Episode 72 - Valentina Peleggi
a mic on the podium - A podcast by Michael Seal
This was another chat I really enjoyed having with a lot of laughter between the two of us! Valentina Peleggi is a conductor who is really making strides in the conducting world. We discovered that we had both been to a little-known music festival in the mountains of Brazil, she was the first person to give the same answer to questions 1 & 2, and she was extremely forthright about what toppings should go on pizza! If you would like to know more about conductors and conducting, why not subscribe at https://www.patreon.com/amiconthepodium, and for a monthly fee starting from just £5 a month, you can access two new series of interviews, group Zoom meetings with other fans of the podcast and myself, a monthly bulletin about the podcast and my own career as well as articles, photos, videos and even conducting lessons from myself. Alternatively, if you would prefer to make a one-off donation to financially support this podcast, then go to https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/a-mic-on-the-podium and any donation you make will be greatly appreciated and help the podcast live on into the future. This interview was recorded on 11th February 2021 via Zoom.