Soccer practice.

A Cup Of English - A podcast by Anna


The most popular sport in the world is seen everywhere these days in Wenatchee. As you drive around the town, most days of the week, you can see colorful teams of players running around the parks practicing and competing. The goals are dragged into position, bright orange cones are set up in lines for the players to zig-zag(1) through with the ball. Parents, like myself, either drop the kids off and go and run errands(2), or stay and chat with each other during the practice. Game day transforms the parks with team after team competing. Yells and cheers ring out(3), and there is applause from the multitude of parents and grandparents who sit in their fold-up chairs. The U.S has quickly gone from a country that had little to do with football (the real name), to one that has embraced it. Even young children in this town have the opportunity to do year-round soccer. During the snowy months, it simply takes place indoors. And the sport seems to be transforming children from overweight, sedentary kids, to leaner, faster, and more competitive children. Another thing I have noticed is that international soccer is part of conversation in schools more than it used to be, which is partly because the population of Wenatchee is 50% hispanic, and soccer is an important part of their culture. This influence has spread to the non-hispanics, and has caused them to contemplate other countries and their sporting talents. I'm happy that a sport can do this for children, giving them a more global perspective. 1. 'To zig-zag' is any action that goes from side to side.  a. The car in front of me was zig-zagging all over the road; I think the driver was drunk! b. The kids had to zig-zag past the cones with the football, keeping as close as possible to them. c. I saw something zig-zag across the road; it was a rattle snake! 2. 'To run errands' is to drive around to shops and other places in order to shop or get other things done. a. I had to go to the post office, buy vegetables, and then buy some nails from the hardware store. I always have errands to run. b. While you're running errands, could you please get me some stamps? 3. 'To ring out' is what we often say when you hear cheers, singing, or even bells. a. The church bells rang out across the valley. b. I heard her voice ring out over the rest of the choir.  

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