A Park for the People.

A Cup Of English - A podcast by Anna


Walla Walla park is right next to the river in Wenatchee. When I first came here twenty three years ago, it had just opened. Now, twenty three years later, the trees are so much bigger, and the park is well used by the locals. Its biking and walking paths run(1) for about five miles along the Columbia river. Then they continue over a bridge to the north, follow the other side of the river south, and finally, cross over the southern bridge to form an oval, or what we call The Apple Capital Loop Trail. It actually gets very busy as the walkers and bikers share the same paths. There is a courtesy rule(2) that as a biker approaches people walking in front of him, he must call out, “On your left!” That way, the walkers can move over to the right and let the biker pass safely. Safety is, of course, very important when lots of people are using the same place for sport. The water sports, such as kayaking and fishing, also need safety precautions. The local council has supplied life jackets for anyone who wishes to use them. So, if a family brings a boat to go fishing, they can use as many life jackets as they need, as long as(3) they put them back afterwards. The same goes for kayakers, water skiers, and paddle boarders. It is a generous and practical idea. It also encourages people to be honest, and to give back what they have borrowed. Along with the drinking fountains, toilets, play areas for children, and coffee hut, the free life jackets ensure a safe and enjoyable experience of the park. 1. ‘Run ….along/ the length of’ describes how a physical or imagined road travels, and what it is next to. a. The route we will take runs up the mountain face and then along to the right.b. The state boundary runs right along the river.c. Semi-precious stones can be found on the entire length of the stream. 2. ‘A courtesy rule’ is a rule that is established for the good of the general public, for safety, and for comfort.a. Opening the door for a lady used to be a courtesy rule.b. Waving at a driver who has just let you into traffic is a courtesy rule. 3. ‘…as long as…’ is similar in meaning to ‘if’, but it implies that a condition has to be met.a. You can go to the cinema, as long as you are home by eleven.b. They can borrow our car, as long as they buy extra insurance.c. She can borrow twenty dollars, as long as she pays me back by Thursday.   Click the link for the Android app

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