#57 Sprawa OJ Simpsona:problemy przysięgłych

8podcast - A podcast by Karolina

Podcast zawiera:zeznania Marka Fuhrmana, odwiedziny miejsca zbrodni, dom Simpsona, dom Rona Goldmana oraz wszelakie problemy ławy przysięgłych. ŹRÓDŁA:   OJ Trial Uncut kanał na yt: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM0S2Fsr5Xp8UhNGRSFKC2Q  The Simpson Trial Transcripts http://simpson.walraven.org/  The run of his life People vs. OJ Simpson- Jeffrey Toobin  O.J. A to Z: The Complete Handbook to the Trial of the Century- Clifford L. Linedecker  Murder in Brentwood- Mark Fuhrman, Vincent Bugliosi In Contempt Christopher Darden The Search for Justice: A Defense Attorney's Brief on the O.J. Simpson Case Robert Shapiro Journey To Justice J. Cochran Reasonable Doubts: The Criminal Justice System And The O.J. Simpson Case Alan M. Dershovitz https://www.nytimes.com/1995/01/14/us/issue-of-racism-erupts-in-simpson-trial.html https://www.nytimes.com/1995/02/13/us/simpson-jury-is-taken-on-a-tour-of-the-crime-scene.html