11 O'Clock Comics Episode 52
11 O'Clock Comics Podcast - A podcast by 11 O'Clock Comics - Venerdì

It's our one-year anniversary celebration where we field questions from out fabulous forumites! Topics include: Wolverine (sigh), Civil War, Alpha Flight, Secret Invasion, story pacing, Tom Fowler, Steve Bryant, Dave Wachter, C.F. and Picturebox, Theo Ellsworth and Capacity, Gabriel Hardman, Abnett and Lanning, cement mixers, Devil Dinosaur, the Great Lakes Avengers, Plastic Man, Aquaman, Mike Ploog, Rick Veitch, Dogs both Wild and Law, Alien Legion, Fletcher Hanks, S. Clay Wilson, Amazing Spider-Man (with a HYPHEN!), Robert Williams, The Boys, Locke & Key, Jack Kirby, Mage: The Hero Discovered, The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Moebius, Eddie Campbell, Alan Moore, Enki Bilal, Kuti, comic conventions, RASL, Herr Stark, Frank Robbins, Howard Chaykin, Dave Cockrum, Comix Book, Franks Quitely and Zappa, William Burroughs, Snakes and Ladders, Doktor Sleepless, Proof, Captain Britain and MI13, Fables, Miracleman, Tom Strong, Jim Starlin, John Byrne, Rob Liefeld, Twitter, Secret Wars II, Deadpool, Mark D. Bright, spaghetti sauce, the cancer, truffles, steak, the Monkees, and a WHOLE MESS MORE! Plus, more Hotline calls than ever before!