【口语天天练】No wonder!

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

获取口语天天练和英语故事机,英文歌曲,请关注微信公众号lilly_english 换一种语言看世界 你一天没吃饭了?难怪你看上去很憔悴。 You haven't eaten a thing for a whole day? No wonder you look so pale。 这家店的饭菜太难吃了,难怪要倒闭了。 The food here is terrible! No wonder this restaurant is going out of business! (go out of business就是没有生意可做了,要倒闭了) 你吃了三个汉堡,喝了一瓶可乐,还吃了四块蛋糕?难怪你会肚子痛呢。 You ate three hamburgers, a coke and four pieces of cake? No wonder you have a stomach ache.