【口语天天练】I've seen better days.

双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

关注微信公众号“爱英语”获取口语天天练文字内容和其他精彩英文内容 A:今天过得怎么样? B:额,今天过得不怎么样。 A: How's your day?  B: Well, I've seen better days.  所有人都以为摩根一家很穷,他们以前也有过好日子啊。 Everyone thinks the Morgan's are poor. They have also seen better days.  我的车子已经大不如前了,但是还能跑。 My car has seen better days, but it's still running.  我家的洗衣机已经没以前好用了,我想着改天买一台新的。 My washing machine has seen better days. I am thinking about buying a new one.