
双语早餐【英语漫游 英语口语听力每天学 Learning English】 - A podcast by 喜马拉雅播客

「微信」搜索关注[早安英文],查看更多有趣实用的中英双语节目。 --- 英文学习笔记: crosstalk n. 相声 variety show n. 综艺节目 genre n. 流派 by far 迄今为止 butt of the joke 笑柄 tongue in cheek 轻松搞笑的 pat down 轻轻拍打 stamp  v. 跺脚 Bugs Bunny 兔八哥 In China, when people talk about comedy, they think of shows like crosstalk or some other variety show. What is comedy in the United States? 在中国,当人们谈到喜剧的时,大多都会想到相声或者其他的综艺节目。那么在美国,喜剧又是什么呢? Of all the different genres of entertainment, Comedy is by far the most subjective.  目前为止,喜剧是所有娱乐节目中最具有主观性的。 It’s hard to get people to laugh because everyone thinks of funny as something different. 很难找到观众的笑点,因为每个人的笑点都不一样。 What is it about comedy that draws people to the theatre? 为什么人们愿意花钱去剧院看一场喜剧? Going to see a comedy, especially a tongue in cheek one, gives us a chance to laugh at things that may not be socially acceptable to laugh at. 去剧院看一场喜剧,特别是那些无厘头的剧,为我们创造了一个释放自己天性的机会——我们可以不要在乎世俗的眼光,开心地笑一笑就好。